

Computer science. Calculation equipment. Management

M.B. ABAZOKOV, D.G. MAKOEVA, Z.A. SUNDUKOV Development of a program for collecting and processing data from analog sensors in robotic systems..5

R.N. ABUTALIPOV, A.U. ZAMMOEV Actual methodological problems of interdisciplinary research in the field of bionanorobotics……………………………….10

M.I. ANCHEKOV, M.P. KRIVENKO Computer model of the emergence of collective robot behavior………………………………………………………….………21

K.CH. BZHIKHATLOV, M.A. KAZAKOV, A.A. AYRAN, M.I. ANCHEKOV Modeling the energy exchange of agents of a neurocognitive intellectual system…..27

A.D. VISLOVA The potential of intelligence psychology in the context simulation of artificial intelligence…………………………………………………………….32

A.O. GURTUEV, E.G. DERKACH, A.Kh. SABANCHIEV Competition game model between innovators at competition selection of projects according to uncertainty……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….……47

A.O. GURTUEV, E.G. DERKACH, F.A. MAMBETOVA Mathematical direct identifier model mechanisms for the problem of interaction of the innovator and investors in the system of innovative investment………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..……53

A.U. ZAMMOEV, R.N. ABUTALIPOV Aspects of the problem of regional management and coordination of high-tech projects………………………………..…60

L.A. LYUTIKOVA, M.A. SHOGENOV Outliers detection method for data based on multi-valued predicate logic……………………………………………………67

I.A. PSHENOKOVA, N.A. CHECHENOVA , L.B. KOKOVA Algorithm for modeling the cognitive function of the emotional assessment of situations based on the training of multi-agent neurocognitive architectures…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………75

Z.A. SUNDUKOV, K.CH. BZHIKHATLOV, V.A. DENISENKO Development of a matrix of tactile pressure sensors for robotic systems……………..…..………82

U.H. HAMUKOV, YU.I. POPOV, R.M. KHUZHOKOV, A.M. KSALOV, H.K. KAZANOV Sensation model of an anthropomorphic manipulator for robotic systems…………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………88

Physics and мathematics sciences

M.O. MAMCHUEV, V.V. NAROZHNOV The study of mechanical vibrations of multilayer printed circuit boards……………….……….…………………………..95

F.G. KHUSHTOVA Hankel integral transform of mittag-leffler type function…………………………………………………………………………………….………102

Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics

S.V. GALACHIEVA, S.A. MAKHOSHEVA Formation of an effective investment mechanism in the region…….……………..…………………………………….107

M.V. ZHANOKOVA, S.A. MAKHOSHEVA, S.V. GALACHIEVA Development of a model and forecast of dynamics of indicators characterizing the socio-economic condition of the region, taking into account the influence of external factors………………………………………………………………………….……114

V.Ch. KUDAEV, M.B. ABAZOKOV Computer design of stream networks of p-th optimality rank……………………………………………………………..……..122

V.Ch. KUDAEV, A.K. BUZDOV Mathematical modeling and optimum design of long pipelines integrated into the city water supply network…………………132

S.A. MAKHOSHEVA, M.M. KANDROKOVA, L.K. KANAMGOTOVA Modeling the elimination of investment risk and the optimization of investment resources in the region……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….140

Economical sciences

Z.Z. IVANOV, M.V. ISRAILOV State and prospects of agricultural land use in the Chechen Republic………………………………………………………………151

M.V. ISRAILOV, Z.Z. IVANOV Economic assessment of agricultural land in the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District………………………………157

A.A. MAKHOSHEV, O.Z. ZAGAZEZHEVA Study of the impact of robotization on the socio-economic state of the region……………………………………….163

M.I. KHADZHIEVA, S.Kh. SHALOVA, M.A. KANOKOVA Theoretical aspects of the introduction of robotization and automation in the agricultural sector of the region……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………..……171

Y.H. KHAMUKOV, O.Z. ZAGAZEZHEVA, Y.I. POPOV Signs of expediency and timeliness of agricultural industry robotization………………………………..178

A.A. EFENDIEVA, M.I. KHADZHIEVA, M.A. KANOKOVA Investigation of the influence of the process of mass robotization and automation of production on the structure of labor resources………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….186

History. Archeology

Z.V. KAGAZEZHEV Ancient cultures of the north caucasus: problems of origin and ethnogenetic relationships………………………………………………….194

Sociology sciences

R.G. OSHROYEV Historical trends of development of higher professional education of Kabardino-Balkaria as a key factor for forming human capital…….203


Yu.M. TKHAGAZITOV, R.G. MAMIY, F.T. UZDENOVA Kazbek Shazzo: personality and epoch………………………………………………………………..…..214

Agricultural sciences

K.R. KANUKOVA, I.H. GAZAEV, L.K. SABANCHIEVA, Z.I. BOGOTOVA, S.P. APPAEV DNA markers in crop production……………………………………..220

Zh.Kh. KURASHEV, M.Kh. ZHEKAMUKHOV, O.A. BATYROVA Factors, reducing the biological potential of poultry in the KBR……………………………..233